Monday, April 27, 2009

Ubuntu 9.04 - Jaunty Jackalope

Version 9.04 is out! Codenamed Jaunty Jackalope offers better boot times, greater productivity and an improved user experience. What are you waiting for? Go, get it! Web links are given below for the appropriate user groups:

Fresh Beginners
Existing Users (Only 8.10 users)
Good. Once you have 9.10 installed on your desktop, tell me how it feels.

God speed,

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Moving On

Well well well.. there has been a long delay since my last post. My work timings have taken the toll on my ability to post not only on this blog, but also on Wikipedia. Oh, maybe, I have not mentioned it here previously. Nonetheless, let me get to directly get to the stage after the installation. Installation Linux distros has never been easier. Check out some of these web links for detailed instructions for installing Ubuntu on your computer.
Here on, I'll assume that you have installed Ubuntu successfully. Moving on, let me start suggesting you with a few things that one could do to make it more appropriate for one's usage.

The Looks: Ubuntu comes, by default, with a Gnome Desktop. To explain what this means, I'll direct you to the concept of Graphical User Interface. Remember, Linux distros are customization products from the standard Linux Kernel. Whether it is Ubuntu, Red Hat or SuSE, each has it's own way of functioning and offer features for its user. The programs and commands are compiled in the standard Linux Kernel though. Coming back to the Gnome Desktop, I would suggest the fashionistas to go fetch some eye candy at

After customization, here is what my desktop looks like. Do you have one of yours to share?

God speed,